On Thursday September 26th 2013 the Department of Medicine will have an evening to celebrate the ongoing research in the Department. The evening will include great food, science, people, and awards. To make this evening a success we need you! We invite you to submit an abstract on research that has not been presented at previous Department of Medicine Research Days or previously published in manuscript form.
ABSTRACT DEADLINE: August 16th, 2013 at 5PM
Submitted abstracts will be judged and top abstracts will be eligible for awards in the following categories:
- Medical Students, Interns, Residents and fellows will all compete for a total of four awards: 1st place ($400), 2nd place ($300), and 3rd place ($200)
- Undergraduates, Graduate students and postdocs will all compete for a total of four awards: 1st place ($400), 2nd place ($300), and 3rd place ($200)
- Assistant Professors will all compete for a total of four awards: 1st place ($400), 2nd place ($300), and 3rd place ($200)
- Associate Professors will all compete for a total of four awards: 1st place ($400), 2nd place ($300), and 3rd place ($200)
We welcome abstracts from senior faculty as well, but they will not be eligible for an award.
Contact Mark Segal (segalms@medicine.ufl.edu) with any questions.
Instructions for Abstract Submission
The purposes of the poster session are to share your research with others in the department, to launch new collaborations, and to get feedback on your posters prior to national meetings.
DO NOT submit work that has presented at a previous Department of Medicine Research Day or has been previously published in manuscript form.
On Page 1 list:
AUTHORS: author(s) names must be complete (example: John S. Doe, MD). Include the name,
degree, institution, city, state, and country of all authors and author groups.
AFFILIATIONS: each author should list the name of his or her institution, city, state, and
country (do not include department, division, laboratory, etc.).
CONTACT INFORMATION: Provide all pertinent contact information to ensure that correspondence is received promptly and accurately (email is preferable). You must specify who will be the, “presenting author” and the presenting author must be the one being considered for the award. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to communicate future correspondence to all coauthors.
On Page 2:
Page 2 cannot exceed one page with 1 inch margins using 11 point Arial font
TITLE: use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter
of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Italicize all specific names of
microorganisms and scientific organisms.
CATEGORY: please list the category you wish to be judged
A. Cell Biology/Molecular Biology
B. Novel technology, diagnostics, or therapeutics
C. Translational Medicine
D. Clinical Trials/Epidemiology
ACADEMIC RANK: Please list the rank you wish the abstract to be judged
- Medical Trainee-Medical Students, Interns, Residents and fellows
- Research Trainee-Graduate students and postdocs
- Junior Faculty (includes all faculty with a rank of Assistant Professor or lower)
- Mid-Career Faculty (includes all Associate Professors) or
- Senior Faculty (all others, this category will not be considered for a research award)
ABSTRACT TEXT: Describe the relevance of the research using background, methods, results,
and conclusions. We recommend that a colleague review the abstract for accuracy and grammar.
Suggested Format:
A. Introduction
B. Hypothesis
C. Method
D. Results
E. Conclusion
LENGTH LIMITATIONS: Your abstract must be less than 300 words. Figures or tables are permitted as long as the figures and tables and your written abstract fits on the page within the specified margins.
IMPORTANT: After you have completed your abstract convert it to a PDF and email it to Chris Pintado (Christopher.Pintado@medicine.ufl.edu)