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UF Health Research Landscape Videos – Nephrology

In early 2016, the UF College of Medicine created a series of videos showcasing the many aspects of research throughout the UF Health system. UF College of Medicine – Research:  From deep brain stimulation and gene therapy to the invention of Gatorade and Trusopt, the UF College of Medicine has…

Employment Opportunities at University of Florida

The Division of Nephrology is seeking applications for multiple, full-time clinical track positions as a Nephrology Hospitalist at the Clinical Assistant Professor level. The successful candidates will provide high quality, inpatient, nephrology consultative care only, with no primary care or clinic responsibilities, on a 7-day-on/7-day-off schedule. The Division…

Dr. Casey TV20 Media Spotlight

Congratulations Dr. Casey for being featured on TV20 regarding about Kidney Paired Donation!! If you would like to view the segment you may do so by clicking the link below.…

Dr. Mohandas featured on TV20 about Hypertension

We’re very proud to say Dr. Rajesh Mohandas was featured on Gainesville’s TV20 regarding Hypertension. Visit the TV 20 site to see Dr. Mohandas’ interview.                               Congratulations, Dr. Mohandas!…

Cade Dinner 2014

Thank you all for joining us for the Cade Dinner this year! We look forward to seeing you all next year!…

UF Health Neph Welcomes Dr. Karl Womer

Please Join us in Welcoming Dr. Karl L. Womer Dr. Karl L. Womer has been named Program Director of Renal Transplantation in the Division of Nephrology, Hypertension, and Renal Transplantation at the University of Florida Department of Medicine. Dr. Womer was previously at Johns Hopkins University…